Why face your pile?

* Eliminate pile undermining

* Reduce spoilage  

* Reduce shrink (dry matter loss)
* Blend forage before the feed mixer
* Breaks up large chunks
* Remove only what is needed for that day
* Seal out oxygen

Why choose the Easyrake?

*Face all the way to the ground not half way

* Not having hydraulic hoses to hook up saves you 2,920 times in and out of loader cab each year- 4 trips up and down for each feeding 

* Many operators pull tires off the top of bunker with Easy Rake

* Can cut through plastic- reducing the need to work near the silage cliff

* Producers love using them

* Can reach heights up to 40'

* Safe and maintenance free
* Greatly reduces facing time
* Works great on any pile, bunker, bag
* Patented & Designed by dairymen 8 years of development
* Easy to ship and no assembly required
* No moving parts
* 1 year limited warranty

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Silage Safety Matters

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